Editor & Writer.


Upon This Education, I Stand

One night I sat at a bar across from a very nice young man. “What high school did you go to?” he asked. I replied with a very confident “Mount de Sales Academy” and followed with, in a single exhaling breath, “that all girls Catholic school.” I met his stare with one of my own, right at the Star of David hanging around his neck. And with intrigued eyes that seemed a little too excited, he replied, “Did you wear a uniform?” Funny, I usually lose people at “all girls.”

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My First Time... Doing Laundry

You know that one scene in "Friends" where Rachel finally learns to do her own laundry at the public mat and, upon asserting her place in New York City, shares her first impromptu kiss with Ross? Well, just call me Rachel Green.Though there was no man for me to plant a big wet one on, willingly anyway, I did finally set my place at the folding table of the city. I took my dirty clothes to the local mat.

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Liz Lane